event firstvr news

Exhibited FirstVR at TechCrunch Tokyo 2017

We exhibited FirstVR at “TechCrunch Tokyo 2017” held on Thursday, November 16 – Friday the 17th. At the booth FVR actual machine experience also held

We held demonstration of FirstVR ,  which equipped with the world’s first active sensing technology, at the booth of TechCrunch Tokyo 2017.

With the latest sensing technology, FirstVR controller can detect the movement of the muscles of the hand and get a experience of immersion as if our hand entered the VR space.
Demo contents are  two titles that are the forerunners of content that can only be experienced by FirstVR to be developed in the future, “Mother’s rage” and “FVR Wizard”.

VR game” Mother’s rage”to throw and throw stuff in the kitchen
VR game that manipulates magic with your own hand” FVR Wizard “


# firstvr </ h3>

” TechCrunch Tokyo 2017 ”
FirstVR exhibition booth:
Hikarie Hall 9F, Hall B, Startup Demo Booth
TechCrunch Tokyo 2017 Official website / techcrunch-tokyo-2017 / 

About FirstVR

– # FIRSTVR is equipped with the world’s first active sensing technology which has been secretly researched and developed five years ago as a VR / AR product for beginners. Active sensing technology is technology that will be released for the first time this time. When # FIRSTVR controller is wound around the arm, the 14 channel optical muscle displacement sensor group detects muscle movement around the forearm (swelling). By letting the AI ​​system learn the movement of this muscle for a short time, it is possible to detect the movement of the hand of the user while sharply shortening the set-up time, and it can be used easily even by a beginner of VR / AR.
#FIRSTVR includes “VR goggles” and “Optical Active Sensing controller” and accessories, so even without purchasing peripheral devices other than handheld smartphones (iOS, Android compatible), it costs 9,980 yen Soon it was possible to experience the latest technology VR / AR experience.

Now accepting pre-order 

 Reserve FirstVR

Reserved schedule advance shipping schedule: late December 2017

General sales start schedule: April 2018
